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אווטאר של Word Game

Word Game

A discord interactive game where players must try to guess the Word of the day! https://discord.gg/luminoux

/ קידומת
discord.js ספריה
??? שרתים
/privacy מדיניות פרטיות
Legit#9654 בעלים

Wordle For Discord

Wordle is an interactive game where players must try to guess the Word of the day! This was inspired by the orignal puzzle, currently being developed by Legit at Luminoux World.

There are 3 colors that can be used to help you: 💚 | This letter is in the Word and here 💛 | This letter is in the Word but not here 🖤 | This letter is not in the Word


🔷 /help This command shows a short description with useful buttons.

🔷 /start This command starts the game!

🔷 /stats View your game stats!

🔷 /privacy View the bot's Privacy Policy and Terms

🔷 /settings Configure the bot to your likings

🔷 /suggest Send bot suggestions to Legit

🔷 /leaderboard View the top players


This bot is now available in Early Access, please report all issues here.