אווטאר של Unavailable for Comment

Unavailable for Comment

Play Mafia, Economy & Board Games, as well as Votes, Levelling, Anti-RickRoll, Logging, Moderation & more!

קידומת ~
ספריה discord.py
שרתים ???
בעלים Infinity#1056

Unavailable for Comment

- Anti-RickRoll

  • Prevent rick rolls on your server, and report links to be added

- Mafia

  • Play mafia on your server with at least 5 friends

- Economy

  • Play an economy game with your server and get rich!

- Auto-Moderation

  • Prevent swearing on your server by enabling this feature. Options are available to automatically mute this person if required and enabled.

- Auto-Roles

  • Automatically give people a role when they join your server

- Welcomes Channel

  • Automatically post welcome messages to this channel when a new member joins your server

- Polling

  • Create a multiple choice poll for your server

- Quizzes

  • Create a multiple choice quiz, and export it to play with your friends!

- Tic Tac Toe & Gomoku

  • Play vs Computer, vs your friends, or create an automated in-game tournament

- Battleships and Connect 4

  • Player vs your friends! There are also Connect 4 Tournaments.

- Changeable Prefix

  • The default command prefix (~) can be changed using ~prefix . Mention the bot in a message to see your server's prefix.

Getting Started

There are 2 commands to familiarize yourself when the bot joins your server:

  • ~configureserver - You can setup modes and background features here, such as logging and welcome channels.
  • ~help - A list of commands for using the bot. The available commands list for your server may vary depending on what has been enabled in ~configureserver, however you will be presented with an information screen if the command is unavailable.

Have an Idea?

DM the bot or join the support server to explain. Any suggestions have the potential to appear on future bot versions, as the bot is currently under development.

The bot's website can be found here.

It may contain some helpful information although please see the bot's help screen for important information.