אווטאר של Dobby


A Multifunction Bot for Discord with features like modmail, level system, hogwarts sorting hat, moderation tools and twitch notifications.

קידומת /
ספריה discord.py
שרתים ???
בעלים ngL#0001

Dobby - A free elf

Python disnake Black coding style CodeFactor

Documentation: https://docs.gtzn.de/dobby/commands/

Dobby`s features are getting continuously improved based on your feedback. Hop onto our Discord server to tell us what we’re missing!

Current features:
  • Customsystem (temporary voice)
  • Feedbacksystem
  • Levelsystem
  • Moderation
  • Namefilter
  • Reaction Roles
  • Ticketsystem
  • Twitch Notifications
  • Wordfilter