אווטאר של Flantic


Flantic is a multipourpose bot with many features including(Utility, Moderation, Fun, Games, Translator, Giveaways, etc...)

קידומת - (customizable)
ספריה discord.py
שרתים ???
בעלים Krypton#0001

Welcome To Flantic's DiscordBots Page

-help will show the help message or you can use mention feature @flantic help or setup

For setup of this bot you have to just scroll the bot's role to the top and you are good to go.

Note: For bot's day to day updates and bugs or off times you can setup it by @flantic setup or -setup

Click here to join our support server

You can join support server too for fastest help and latest news about bot's status.

What does the bot do?

Flantic is a multipourpose bot with many features including(Utility, Moderation, Fun, Games, Translator, Giveaways, etc...)

Moderation Command Examples:

  • Kick/Ban/Soft Ban/
  • Mute/Unmute/Purge
  • Prefix

Utility Commands Examples:

  • Serverinfo/Userinfo/Avatar/Info(Bot)
  • Help/Invite

Fun Commands Examples:

  • Advice/Joke/Meme/8Ball
  • Poll/Password

Game Commands:

  • Rock Paper Scissors
  • Tic Tac Toe

And much more.