אווטאר של Ozzy


The moderation bot fit for your server!

קידומת == (customizable)
ספריה Other
שרתים ???
מדיניות פרטיות ==privacypolicy


Ozzy! Flexible | Simple | Multipurpose

Prefix: == (customizable) (Set upto three prefixes!)

Ozzy is a multipurpose discord bot that has many premium features that are paid on most bots. Take a look for yourself below.

🧰 | Features

🛡️ | Moderation

💰 | Economy

⚒️ | Utility

🎵 | Music

🆙 | Levels

🎫 | Tickets

⚙️ | Custom commands

❌ | Antilink system

We are on a powerful VPS! Providing 99.99% uptime!

If you invite we advise to read the TOS to avoid getting blacklisted, Also to know what data we use and store read the privacypolicy with the privacypolicy command.

Providing easy-to-use tools to over 50+ servers!

We have been quality tested and proven to be reliable.

The bot also gets updated frequently to add features, revamp commands, remove vulnerabilities or to fix bugs.

Invite Now: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=776687782239666188&scope=bot+applications.commands&permissions=0