אווטאר של CountBot


A highly-customizable bot that creates a channel where you count!

קידומת c;
ספריה discord.js
שרתים ???
בעלים fyrlex#0

Counting Bot is a bot that creates a channel where you count!

Add Counting Bot To Your Server

While most multi-purpose bots have a basic counting setup, Counting Bot is a highly-configurable bot only for managing counting channels. This is a fun little bot that could be a great addition to many discord servers. The bot will create and run a channel where your server members can count together. The bot had fun features such as stats, leaderboards, milestones, powerups, curses, streaks, and more!

NEW You can now vote to advertise your server! Make sure the bot is added to the server you want to advertise and vote with c;vote!

Admins can run c;new [number] to create a brand new channel, or c;merge to start in an existing channel. This will be the channel what the bot will run in. Currently, there is a limit of one channel per server.

After the channel is made, the members of your discord server are encouraged to count together until they've reached the goal. The bot will auto-delete any messages that aren't counting. When milestones are hit, the bot will make an announcement. Admins can turn off milestone announcements by typing c;milestones [on|off] in the channel. Sometimes while counting you may discover a powerup. Powerups can be used to help you reach your goal faster. Like milestones, admins can turn these off with c;powerups off. Similarly, you may come across curses, the opposite of powerups. (Turn these off with c;curses)

You can check your stats at any time with c;stats. This will show you how many numbers you've counted, powerups you've found, curses you've come across, current and longest streak, and votes. You can see your server stats with this command aswell. Use c;leaderboards to take a peek at the global and server leaderboards.

After the goal is reached, the channel will be locked. Admins can extend the goal at any time by using c;extend [new goal].

Need help? Join the support server!

Complete Command List

Use c;help or c;help [command] for additional help!

Setup Commands

c;new | Creates a new counting channel

c;merge | Sets up the bot in a existing counting channel

Regular Commands

c;help | Displays all commands

c;vote | Vote for the bot to advertise your server or recive a random powerup

c;stats | Get yours or someone else's stats

c;leaderboard | Gets the global and server leaderboard

c;info | Gets some bot information

c;invite | Sends an invite link

Admin Commands (Requires Manage Channels Perms)

c;milestones | Toggles milestones

c;powerups | Toggles powerups

c;curses | Toggles curses

c;userlimit | Toggles the one count-per-user limit

c;extend | Adds to the current goal of the counting channel.