אווטאר של NSFW-Toggle


A bot with one purpose: to toggle NSFW.

קידומת @NSFW-Toggle
ספריה discord.js
שרתים 2,832
Shards 3
בעלים Ben!#0002


You may have noticed that Discord does not have an option to make NSFW channels on its iOS app. According to a developer:

Apple requested we remove the NSFW toggle.

They specifically blocked us from updating the iOS app until it was removed.

Because of this, iOS users (like myself) have not been able to make NSFW channels for a while.

This bot has one purpose, and one purpose only: to enable or disable NSFW on channels.


Command: @NSFW-Toggle invite
Description: Invite the bot
Permission: Anyone can use this command

Command: @NSFW-Toggle help
Alias: commands
Description: Get a list of commands
Permission: Anyone can use this command

Command: @NSFW-Toggle support
Description: Join the support server
Permission: Anyone can use this command

Command: @NSFW-Toggle toggle
Alias: nsfw
Description: Toggle NSFW for the current channel
Permission: You must have at least "MANAGE_CHANNELS" to use this command.


Bot Info

The provided bot invitation link grants the bot MANAGE_CHANNELS and SEND_MESSAGES. Optionally, giving the bot MANAGE_MESSAGES will allow the bot to delete the command that you sent.