אווטאר של Penty


Penty is a multifunction bot, It comes equipped with a huge variety of commands, ranging from music to moderation, and much more.

קידומת ?
ספריה discord.py
שרתים ???
בעלים Raspy#4781
עורכים Prith#0001

  • Moderation features (kick/ban/softban/hackban, mod-log, filter, chat cleanup)
  • Trivia (lists are included and can be easily added)
  • Music features (YouTube, SoundCloud, local files, playlists, queues)
  • Stream alerts (Twitch, Youtube, Mixer, Hitbox, Picarto)
  • Bank (slot machine, user credits)
  • Custom commands
  • Imgur/gif search
  • Admin automation (self-role assignment, mod-mail reports)
  • Customisable command permissions