Community || Emojis/Symbols's Icon

Community || Emojis/Symbols

Nice Template for Community/Gaming Server! with Emojis and Symbols in the Channel Name

Liste des Propriétaires Bebedi#9960
Créateur bebedi#0
Utilisé 342 fois


This new Template that I made is good for Community or Gaming Server.

I made cool Symbols and Emojis in the Name because it looks pretty nice now. You can find all Symbols I used here:


"Nexux" with the Important channels like "🌐➤announcement" or "🌐➤joins". "General" with the basic Chats like "💬➤chat" or "💬➤memes" "Voice" with all Voice Channels like "🎶❧Music" or "🔊❧All" Voice "Staff" with the Staff chats like "👷➤staffシchat" where they can chat with the Supporter/Mods Roles:

"♛ 🔴 Owner" Perms: Administator "✯ 🎃 Admin" Perms: Administator "✯ 👓 Moderator" Perms: Kick/Ban "✯ 👷‍♂️ Supporter" Perms: Mute "➣ 💜 Streamer" "➣ 💖 Youtuber" "➣ 🤖 Bot" "➣ ✨ Appreciated" "➣ 💬 Member" If you reupload it please give credits


★ Nexus ★







★ Invites ★


★ General ★






★ Creator★


★ Banner ★












★ Icon ★












★ Voice ★






🔊❧Privat 1

🔊❧Privat 2

🔊❧Privat 3



★ AFK ★


★ Staff ★





♛ 🔴 Owner

✯ 🎃 Admin

✯ 👓 Moderator

✯ 👷‍♂️ Supporter

➣ 💜 Streamer

➣ 💖 Youtuber

➣ 🖊 Banner Creator

➣ 🖊 Icon Creator

➣ 💬 Member

➣ 🤖 Bot

➣ ✨ Appreciated

➣ 💙 Europe

➣ 💛 Africa

➣ 🧡 Asia

➣ 💜 North America

➣ 💚 South America

➣ 📣 Announcement

➣ 🎉 Events

➣ 🎁 Giveaway

Autres Informations

Temps avant AFK : 5m

Niveau de Vérification : 🟠 Haut

Niveau de Notification : 🔕 Juste les Mentions

Filtre de contenu explicite : 🔒 Tous les Membres