Avatar de Rhyno


A "Spider-Man" themed moderation bot. Invite Me: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=812108910790049792&permissions=4260888055&scope=bot

Préfixe r!
Bibliothèque discord.js
Serveurs ???
Politiques de Confidentialité r!privacy
Propriétaire Symbolic#8163

Rhyno includes as you can expect all moderator commands, such as kick, ban, warn, purge etc. We tried to theme Rhyno into the Spider-Man theme, of course we need to pay attention to all of you. So we did not get it out of hand.

If you wish to have logs on for Rhyno, you can. Run the command r!setup to setup your server or run the command r!settings to change or view your server settings. (Video explaining linked in the help command)

We are 24/7 talking and figure out new idea's for Rhyno, you can get the most recent updates by joining the support server. We have linked a command to updates as well, but those are not updated 24/7

We understand, Rhyno can sometimes be a hard one to handle, if he is not listening to you or your moderators/administrators, please do join the support server so we can figure out the problem together.