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Avatar de Jasmine


Jasmine Provides a fun economy and RPG game developed by Mirabellier where you can fight Anime character bosses, win Anime character images, and fight with other players.

Préfixe J.
Bibliothèque discord.js
Serveurs 942
Fragments 1


A Discord bot developed by Mirabellier for fun. It contains a variety of commands from utilities, games to music commands.

Available Commands:

[✨] utility donate, emote, help, invite, ping, and more..

[🎩] economy activeitem, balance, beg, business, buy, and more..

[🎮] games coinflip, hangman, roulette, rps, scramble, and more..

[🎮] level background, leaderboard, profile, setinfo

[🎶] music loop, nowplaying, pause, play, queue, and more..

[👹] rpg bag, battle, equip, market, profile, and more..

[📚] info avatar, botinfo, roleinfo, servericon, serverinfo, and more..

[📷] image manipulation blur, comment, glass, greyscale, invert, and more..

[📸] picture anime, art, cat, dog

[⚙] moderation ban, kick, logging, purge, snipe

[🤣] meme boyfriend, changemymind, drake, pooh, scroll, and more..

[🤺] actions clap, cry, dance, facepalm, glare, and more..

[🧩] fun 8ball, sphere, advice, allignment, love, and more..