@advaith's Avatar


dev of bots and this site

Puntuación más alta en Snake 45



Avatar de Dictionary

Looks up words in the Merriam-Webster dictionary

Avatar de AdvaithBot

A cool multipurpose bot with commands for fun, animals, searchin…

Avatar de Activities

Slash command bot for starting voice channel activities

Avatar de YesNo

YesNo is a simple yes/no poll bot for Discord, based on the YesN…

Avatar de Slashtags

Slashtags is a simple slash command tag bot for Discord.


Avatar de WidgetBot

See the Discord icon on this website, that's us.


Icono de League of Legends Template

League of Legends Template
Create a place that makes it easy to stay in touch and remain cl…

Icono de Local Communities

Local Communities
Meet up, organize, and stay in touch.

Icono de Friends & Family

Friends & Family
Make a home, have fun, and hang out.

Icono de Campus Clubs & Orgs

Campus Clubs & Orgs
Create a place where your club or organization can get together …

Icono de Professor Oak's Classes Template

Professor Oak's Classes Template
The official classroom template by Discord.

Icono de Study Groups

Study Groups
Teach and learn together: Stream lessons, ask questions, and stu…