@advaith's Avatar


dev of bots and this site

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Avatar de AdvaithBot

A cool multipurpose bot with commands for fun, animals, searchin…

Avatar de Slashtags

Slashtags is a simple slash command tag bot for Discord.

Avatar de Dictionary

Looks up words in the Merriam-Webster dictionary

Avatar de Activities

Slash command bot for starting voice channel activities

Avatar de YesNo

YesNo is a simple yes/no poll bot for Discord, based on the YesN…


Avatar de WidgetBot

See the Discord icon on this website, that's us.


Icono de Local Communities

Local Communities
Meet up, organize, and stay in touch.

Icono de League of Legends Template

League of Legends Template
Create a place that makes it easy to stay in touch and remain cl…

Icono de Professor Oak's Classes Template

Professor Oak's Classes Template
The official classroom template by Discord.

Icono de Friends & Family

Friends & Family
Make a home, have fun, and hang out.

Icono de Campus Clubs & Orgs

Campus Clubs & Orgs
Create a place where your club or organization can get together …

Icono de Study Groups

Study Groups
Teach and learn together: Stream lessons, ask questions, and stu…