Special Rules Channel Template's Icon

Special Rules Channel Template

Same as default template, except it includes a rules channel with a capital letter.

illagercaptain#0 בעל רישום
illagercaptain#0 היוצר
146 זמן(s) בשימוש

Same as default template, except it includes a rules channel with a capital letter. Discord does not allow capital letters in text channels, but servers that got a capital letter somehow can be made a template and the capital letter will stay. A good use for this template is making the rules channel blend in at the top of the server with things like "Events", "Active Threads", "Home", etc.



Text Channels


Voice Channels




מידע אחר

פסק זמן של AFK: 5m

רמת אימות: ⚪ אין

רמת הודעה: 🔔 כל ההודעות

מסנן תוכן מפורש: ❌ מושבת