A bot to improve the user experience and how much fun members have in the server.
Can add roles to members after they press a button or select them from a dropdown.
Quotes to help you keep the fun things people say organized, you can quote by doing /quote (slash command) or by right clicking on a message then hovering over "Apps" and clicking "Quote Message"
Counting but with a twist, when someone fails a new type is selected. The types are:
- normal (1,2,3,...)
- binary (1,10,11)
- roman (i,ii,iii,...)
If you don't know how to count in binary or roman Polybot displays a link to a small guide of how to count like that when it changes to that type. All types support math so you can flex your math skills and there is a countingstats command to see your and the server's stats!
Can create a poll that ends after a set amount of time where users can click one or multiple buttons (depending on settings) to vote for what they want.
Also has a command to parse binary, roman numerals and a math expression.
Has some basic moderation utilities like locking a channel and setting the slowmode in a channel.
And also has an 8ball command for when you need to settle an argument.