Avatar de ares


Multi-purpose bot focused on quick and easy moderation

Prefijo .
Librería discord.js
Servidores ???
Política de Privacidad .privacy
Propietario Cuaies#8072


Common commands with widespread usage. A little bit of everything.

  • help » Help command
  • invite » Invite the bot to other servers
  • support » Request a support server joining link
  • vote » Vote our bot on your desired platform(s)


Informational commands providing certain stats.

  • info » General bot statistics
  • membercard » Member card
  • roleinfo » Check role informations
  • serverinfo » Check server informations
  • userinfo » Check user informations


A mixture of various commands, unrelated to each other.

  • avatar » Easily grab the profile picture of any user


Commands used for members moderation and channel management purposes.

  • announce » Post an announcement
  • ban » Ban a member
  • softban » Softban a member
  • kick » Kick a member
  • clear » Delete channel's messages
  • lock » Disable @everyone's permission to send messages in the channel
  • unlock » Enable @everyone's permission to send messages in the channel
  • nuke » Nuke the channel
  • warn » Warn a member
  • slowmode » Edit channel's slowmode
  • topic » Edit channel's topic


Commands used for bot configuring.

  • config » Designate client's channels
  • cprefix » Change bot's prefix
  • msgconfig » Toggle bot messages
  • nick » Change the nickname of the bot
  • suggestion » Explore the suggestions system


Useful commands for quickly solving routine tasks.

  • poll » Create a poll
  • calc » Resolve a mathematical expression
  • urban » Search the meaning of a term

and lots more TBA...