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Astolfo Cult

Small brand new server that is trying to build a nice community for Astolfo but not only for this, we want to offer to our members a chill place where they can talk and relax after a long tiring day.

Listing Owner Ares#0888
Members 14,338
Online 5,132

We are a small and new server created mostly for Astolfo and you wonder, what do we offer ? Well :

Astolfo Emotes - Because we love Astolfo the server has just emotes with him.

Leveled Roles - Custom Leveled roles for our active members.

Fun Bots - We worship Astolfo but also have lots of fun bots like mudae, anigame, ramen... etc

A chill place - We offer a chill place where you can talk to others about Astolfo or just random topics when you are bored, we don't like toxic people, so we will maintain it clean and nice, and that's not all, the rest of the perks you will discover them when you will join us.