S-Society [CTF Squad]'s Icon

S-Society [CTF Squad]

Welcome to Logic Bomb! We are an active, helpful, and friendly server for all things related to technology, InfoSec, and ethical hacking!

Listing Owner Sadistic#8671
Members 284
Online 24

Science & Tech


Welcome to Logic Bomb! We are an active, helpful, and friendly server for all things related to technology, InfoSec, and ethical hacking! This server was created with the intent of helping others further advance their knowledge in the world of info-sec, ethical hacking, and defending against terrible threats around the world. Whether you are interested in the field of info-sec as a hobby or career, we are always here to help one another grow and advance our knowledge.

By joining this server, you agree to the following guidelines:

  1. All discussions adhere to the Discord ToS (https://discordapp.com/terms). No illegal activities (illegal hacking, pirating of software/media, doxxing, etc.) either.

  2. This is an ethical (whitehat) hacking server. Do not ask us to hack something for you (GMail, Instagram, Facebook, etc.). Anything grey/blackhat is prohibited.

  3. Vigilantism of any form is not allowed here. Please report your issues through official channels and authorities.

  4. Enforcement of the rules and moderation of chat is up to staff discretion. Warnings, kicks, and/or bans may be issued by a staff member if an individual or their actions are deemed detrimental to the community, regardless of compliance with the above rules. If you have an issue with another member, or questions regarding action taken by a staff member, let an admin know.

  5. No NSFW content (pictures, videos, etc.) is allowed under any circumstances. Depending on the severity of the content posted, this is immediately bannable. NSFW discussion is permitted, within reason, and will be moderated at staff's discretion.

  6. Have fun and learn something!