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Timezones bot helps schedule meetings with ease! Use "/time [user]" to see current time for any member, taking into account their time zone.

Prefix /
Library discord.js
Servers ???
Owner Crystiq#6897

Timezones is a Discord bot that helps users coordinate with each other by displaying the current time for specific members.

Simply use the command '/time [user]' and Timezones will show the current time for the mentioned user, taking into account their time zone!

This will only happen if you or the other has connected 1 of 500 possible places that can be selected!


  • To add a timezone yourself use "/add [place]"
  • To view another users time use "/time [user]"
  • To change your timezone use "/change [place]"
  • To remove your timezone use "/remove"


For safety and privacy only users who have entered their own timezone can view the time of other people.

Adding a timezone will be done privatly so other users cannot see your connected timezone, only your connected time
