Thomasiee ♡'s Icon

Thomasiee ♡

Let me introduce you to the server in the long description.

Gelisteter Inhaber Thomas♡#9999
Mitglieder 352
Anwesend 65


Medien & Entertainment


Fitness & Gesundheit

Reise & Essen

⸝⸝ 💫 T H O M A S I E E ♡ 💫⸝⸝

・ About the server: 🍁

➟ 💜 ・Always open for anyone to join <3

➟ ☕ ・ I try to keep the community friendly, no toxicity

➟ 🤖 ・There are many bots that you can make use of

➟ 💎 ・ Boosters get permission to send pictures/videos

➟ 💙 ・ We have some members you can talk to

➟ 😄・ Responsive/active owner

➟ 🌃 ・ Sometimes I host events ⠀ ➟ 👥 • You can get a lot of roles in the self role channel

➟ 💬 • Normal chats like general, gaming, art, books, movies, music, introductions

➟ 📷 • Media chats for memes, selfies, photography, online captures, art, gaming, Roblox avatars, food, pets, Social media come join us <3