New Zealand Youth Political Simulation's Icon

New Zealand Youth Political Simulation

A server for 13 - 21 kiwis interested in politics

Gelisteter Inhaber tiberius#2808
Mitglieder 249
Anwesend 25


Looking for a place rant about NZ Politics to other young politically minded kiwis and engage in a simulated parlimetry process?

The New Zealand Youth Political Simulation offers just that!

• Routine house sittings every Saturday at 8pm, including: question time, general debate and a full order paper!

• Hundereds of roles including custom cabinet portfoilos

• Realistic elections every 6 weeks

• Active and engaging news outlets who often hold cross party debates

• A full suite of simulated events, economy and swing voters

• The ability to create your own OIAs as well as custom standing orders and speakers rullings

• A vibrant community with over 250 members!

We also have:

• Weekly debates on topics out of character • Functional twitter bots and alias intergration • Over 11 different parties (not all in the house) and the ability to form your own • An open and responsive staff team who run engaing events • A safe and welcoming community with gender affirming nicknames and custom self-roles for pronouns

So if you're interested in a kiwi politcal community by teens for teens, then why not check us out?