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Persistent Nicknames's Bild

Persistent Nicknames

Never re-set your nickname again! This bot stores the nickname you had before you left a server, and re-nicknames you to it when you re-join the server! Just invite the bot, and it'll do the rest.

Präfix pn!
Bibliothek discord.js
Server 31
Shards 1
Besitzer Connor!#0147

Persistent Nicknames

A Discord Bot that stores nicknames in a MongoDB database and re-nicknames returning members when the re-join a specific server with the same nickname they had before they left.

Starting guide:

Command List

There aren't a lot of commands, you don't need them! Just invite the bot, and that's it!The bot will automatically start storing nicknames and re-nicknames returning members.

What are you waiting for?

Invite Persistent Nicknames!