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Sorcerertech Anti-Malware's Bild

Sorcerertech Anti-Malware

Scan the files in your Discord for malware, and maintain a safe community.

Präfix @STAntiMalware
Server ???
Besitzer ICTman#5904

STAntiMalware is a FREE anti-malware bot that scans files uploaded to your Discord and gives back a verdict within 30 seconds!

Make sure your members are safe by adding the bot today!

Make sure your Discord is squeaky clean with STAn - have files sent by your users sent for scanning automatically, and get the results sent back to the same channel so that your members can make responsible downloading decisions!

By default it scans exe, dll, dmg, msi, sh, vbs, bat, zip, gz, tgz, 7z, rar, docm, doc, xlsm, xls, pptm, and ppt files, which we believe are common vessels for malware to ship in. But you can add more simply by @mentioning @STAntiMalware#5038 :)

Get the bot now, for free, at :)